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Kacti trials

When a ship is newly constructed or comes out of a significant refit period it will go through "sea trials", or a "shakedown". This is a series of trials to test the vessel's seaworthiness - testing its speed, maneuverability, safety equipment, etc. It's conducted prior to commissioning and acceptance.

In a similar way, kacti uses trials to validate Kubernetes admission control. How does the admission controller perform - does it block workloads containing critical CVEs, or trying to expose SSH? Does it permit valid workloads to be accepted by the cluster?

Each trial represents a distinct test, validating whether the container image / configuration is blocked, or accepted by the Kubernetes cluster.

Trials consist of a Kubernetes API under test (currently only Deployments are supported), a name and description, a namespace, and an image.

Running trials

You can run trials using the following command:

$  kacti trials --deploy --namespace kacti --image log4shell

In this example:

  • The name of the trial is log4shell
  • kacti will attempt to create a Kubernetes deployment in the namespace kacti, named log4shell
  • The container image used for the deployment will be

kacti will display the result of the trial. If the deployment was successfully created and scaled up, the result will be a failure. Otherwise, if the deployment creation was blocked, or the number of replicas was scaled to zero, the result will be success.

$ kacti trials --deploy --namespace kacti --image log4shell
-> Success, Deployment scaled to zero replicas

Using short-hand

kacti also accepts short-hand flags for imperative trials. You can see all of the options using kacti trials -h.

Perform functional verification trials against Kubernetes admission controllers.

kacti trials [flags]

-d, --deploy Run a deployment trial
-f, --file Run a set of trials from a file
-h, --help help for trials
-i, --image string Image for the trial
-n, --namespace string Namespace for the trial
-v, --verbose Verbose output

You can see an example here:

$ kacti trials -d -n kacti -i log4shell

More trial details

You can get more detail on trial activity using the --verbose flag:

$ kacti trials --deploy --namespace kacti --image log4shell --verbose
Setting up kubeconfig from: /home/user/.kube/config
Running trial: log4shell { ns: kacti / img: }
-> Success, Deployment creation was blocked